Sunday, August 01, 2010
Six Questions.
Once the great Imam Al-Ghazali posed 6 questions to his students as follows;-
Q1 – “What is very close to us in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as our parents, spouse, close friends, our children and etc.
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘death’ because Allah SWT has promised us that those who lives will definitely die” (refer Sura Ali Imran 185)
Q2 – What is the furthest from us in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as the country of China, the moon, the sun and etc.
Al-Ghazali replied:“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘our past’ because in whatever the circumstances , whoever we are and whatever vehicle we use we cannot go back into the past. So we have to always take care of today and the coming days with righteous deeds that is taught by Islam”
Q3 – “What is the biggest in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as the mountain, the earth, the sun and etc..
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘temptation (Nafs)’. So we must always be cautious with our temptation so as not to allow it to drive us to hell (Jahannam)” Refer Sura Al A’raf 179)
Q4 - “What is the heaviest in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as iron, steel, the elephant and etc...
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is [b]‘being trustworthy [/B](Amanah)’ Al Ghazali explain “ The plants, trees, animals and the mountain could not accept the task of being the caliph of this world but human, with arrogance and conceit accepted the task and so much so many human beings are being thrown into hell (Jahannam) by Allah SWt because they have breached the trust others place on them. Refer Sura Al Ahzab 72)
Q5 - “What is the lightest in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as cotton, dust, the wind and etc...
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘neglecting the salat (daily prayer’. Al Ghazali explain this is especially true as people are known to simply neglect the salat because they are having a business meeting , having to work etc
Q6 - “What is the sharpest in this world?”
The students gave all kind of answers such as the sword, knife and etc...
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘human tongue’. Al Ghazali explains that with their tongues human arrogantly will offend and hurt the feeling of others.
The life of the heart is knowledge; so preserve it, The death of the heart is ignorance; so avoid it. Your best provision is true devotion; so provide it. This advice of mine is enough for you; so heed it. - Imam al-Ghazâlî
Source: Turn to islam forums
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Ma'sha'allah Br. Hamid, this was a lovely thing to share. How true are the responses. Jazak'Allahu Khairan for sharing these wise words, as always.
Assalamu Alykum. So nice post mashAllah. JazakAllah for sharing this.
@ muslim first: Jazakallah for reading and for your feed back.
@ samsad jahan :walaikum salam.Welcome as always.
Al-Ghazali replied:“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘our past’ because in whatever the circumstances , whoever we are and whatever vehicle we use we cannot go back into the past. So we have to always take care of today and the coming days with righteous deeds that is taught by Islam”
Assalamu Aleikom
Sometimes I am mesmerized by your post. Sometimes I login to find something here that is directly related to my circumstances at the moment...as if you have a message for me that suddenly heals my pain, dries my tears, or makes me re-think something that I feel or may have done. Its quite scary at times given I have no idea who you are and do not communicate with you.
I am thankful for your blog. I am very glad you clicked to follow me last year, which in turn prompted me to follow you--especially given that most(if not all) of my post were insulting or demeaning to the area from which you are from(almost). I apologize for that and have since stopped blogging for that very reason. I no longer find comfort in exposing or humor in my daily struggles, instead I've taken a different approach. Alhamdulilah because your blog was a MAIN factor in this decision--it was one of those random post out of the blue that you put here that really made me think.
Fascinating huh?
May Allah reward you immensely for all the time you put into sending messages to the world--messages that can heal, help, and teach those of us who need it.
May Allah accept all your fast and answer all your duas and what is best for you in this upcoming Ramadan
@Nobody: walaikum salam.All praises be to the Master of Might and majesty,posessor of faith and beauty, who made it possible that my post were worth healing someones pain, help and teach lessons those in need of it.
Im mesmerised by the style you used in your comment.Mashallah May Allah heal you,help you and bless you immensely. Ameen to your great dua's and same to you sis.
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