Al-Kabaa`ir - The Major Sins
Sins [acts of disobedience to Allah] can be classified into 2 categories: Major
sins (called in Arabic, al-kabaa`ir) and Minor sins (called, as-saghaa`ir).
Please see the Qur`aan, at the following references: 4:31, and 42:37, and
General Ways by which to Recognize a 'Major Sin':
(1) It is mentioned explicitly as a 'major sin', or a 'great sin' in the Qur`aan or
Hadeeths of the Prophet.
(2) There is a prescribed 'hadd' (legal punishment) for that sin, mentioned
in the Qur`aan or Hadeeths of the Prophet.
(3) Hell-fire is mentioned along with this sin, either in the Qur`aan or Hadeeths
of the Prophet. Or, the "curse of Allah" or the 'wrath of Allah' is mentioned
alongside that sin, either in the Qur`aan or Hadeeths of the Prophet.
(4) The Prophet said that whoever does such-and-such a sin, "he is not one of us"
or "he is not from us".
Here are the major sins mentioned in the book Al-Kabaa`ir, by Abu
`Abdullaah Shams-ud-Deen Adh-Dhahabi (d. 748 A.H.),:
01. Associating anything with Allaah i.e. Shirk with Allah. The definition of Shirk, which
every Muslim should memorize, is simply: Giving any of the rights of Allah to other than Allah. Whether it is an attribute of Allah, a quality of Allah, whether it is Sujood (prostration), whether it is Du`a (supplication), whether it is Sacrifice, and so on.
02. Murder
03. Practicing magic, witchcraft or sorcery
04. Not Praying (the 5 Obligatory Prayers)
05. Not paying Zakaah (the due Zakaah; 2.5 % of one's wealth)
06. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadaan without excuse 2
07. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so
08. Disrespect to parents
09. Abandoning relatives (and also, cutting off ties with one's kith & kin)
10. Fornication and Adultery
11. Homosexuality
12. Bestiality
13. Usury/Interest (Riba)
14. Wrongfully consuming the property of an orphan
15. Lying about Allah and His Messenger
16. Running away from the battlefield
17. A leader's deceiving his people and being unjust to them
18. Pride and arrogance and haughtiness
19. Bearing false witness, giving a false testimony
20. Drinking Khamr (wine, alcohol, intoxicants)
21. Gambling
22. Slandering chaste women
23. Stealing from wealth that one has been entrusted with (Ghulool)
24. Stealing (in general)
25. Highway Robbery
26. Taking a false oath
27. Oppression -- Zhulm
28. Illegal gain
29. Consuming wealth acquired unlawfully (i.e. through prohibited means)
30. Committing suicide
31. Lying -- Kadhib
32. Judging unjustly (An unjust, unfair judge)
33. Giving and Accepting bribes
34. Women's imitating men and men's imitating women
35. Being cuckold
36. Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for the husband
37. Not protecting (cleaning) oneself from urine
38. Showing-off -- Riyaa`
39. Learning knowledge of the religion (not sincerely for Allah & seeking His Pleasure,
but) for the sake of this world [or to boast before the scholars, or argue with the
ignorant, or to draw attention to one's self]
40. Concealing knowledge (when the people are in need of it)
41. Betrayal -- Khiyaanah (eg. betrayal of trusts)
42. Recounting favours
43. Denying Allah's Decree (This is tantamount to kufr.)
44. Listening (to) people's private conversations (eavesdropping)
45. Carrying tales (Nameemah - seeking to spoil people's relationships)
46. Cursing people
47. Breaking contracts
48. Believing in fortune-tellers and astrologers
49. A woman's bad conduct towards her husband
50. Making statues and pictures (i.e. making pictures of living creatures)
51. Lamenting, wailing, tearing the clothing, and doing other things of this sort
when an affliction (or calamity) befalls
52. Treating others unjustly -- Baghy
53. Overbearing conduct towards one's wife, the servant, the weak, and
animals (being domineering in manner)
54. Offending one's neighbour (or harming one's neighbor in any way)
55. Offending and abusing Muslims
56. Offending people and having an arrogant attitude toward them
57. Trailing one's garment (below the ankle) (Note: This sin applies for men only.)
58. Men's wearing silk and gold
59. Eating or drinking from gold/silver utensils, vessels, etc.
60. Slaughtering an animal which has been dedicated to anyone other than
61. To knowingly ascribe one's paternity to a father other than one's own
62. Arguing and disputing violently; being quarrelsome
63. Witholding excess water - (not allowing excess water to flow to others)
64. Giving short weight or measure [i.e. cheating in business, changing prices, ripping
off somebody]
65. Hiding a defect in something that you're selling
66. Feeling secure from Allah's Plan
67. Despairing from the Soothing Mercy of Allah
68. Offending Allah's righteous friends
69. Not praying in congregation (Jamaa`ah) but praying alone without an
excuse (Note: This sin applies for men only.)
70. Persistently missing Friday Prayers (Jumu`ah) without any excuse (Note: This
sin applies for men only.)
71. Unsurping the rights of the heir through bequests
72. Deceiving people and plotting evil
73. Spying for the enemy of the Muslims (spying on Muslims, and finding their faults)
74. Cursing or insulting any of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad
75.Judging according to other than the Law of Allah; the Law
that Allah has revealed [i.e. the Book of Allah & the Sunnah]
76. Eating carrion, blood, or the flesh of swine
77. Pointing a weapon (or anything of this nature) at your brother
78. Telling another Muslim that, you are a Kaafir - "You're a disbeliever"
79. Hitting people and punishing them without due right.
80. A woman who plucks eyebrows & the one who has it done to her
81. The tattooers and the tattooed
82. Completely shaving off the beard (for men)
83. Listening to Musical Instruments -- Ma`aazif
84. Backbiting -- Gheebah
85. Being unjust between one's wives
86. Delaying the Salaah [past its prescribed time] without any valid excuse
87. Not being calm (and tranquil) in one's Rukoo` [bowing] or Sujood[prostration]
88. Boycotting your Muslim brother [or sister] for more than 3 days, without a legitimate Islamic reason.
89. Taking graves as places of worship, or building Mosques on top of graves
90. Abandoning enjoining good & forbidding evil.
91. Loving that people stand up for you
92. Cheating
93. Speaking about the Qur`aan with your own opinion (without knowledge)
94. Imitating & seeking to follow, the ways of the disbelievers
95. Practicing a Bid`ah (innovation) in the Religion of Allah
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