Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Colour Me Muslim

Colour Me Muslim

Oh!!,Allah don't let them judge me
By the colour of my skin.
Show them my true colours, Lord,
From what lies deep within.

Let them see the love I have,
So deep inside, for you.
Then, let them see my daily life
And Islamic attitude.

I want to touch some lonely soul
And give to those in need.
Show them your grace and mercy, Allah,
With every thought and deed.

My outward skin is yellow
And black, and in-between,
But, my soul can't tell the difference,
Because it's pure and white, and clean.

I want to follow in the footsteps
Of a Muslim saved by grace;
Where my skin tone doesn't matter
And I won't feel so out of place.

Oh!! Allah, teach our hearts to be colour-blind,
So we can see the inward part
And just colour me a Muslim,
Serving you with my whole heart.


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