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We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. |
“Concern yourself with that which you were ordered to take care of, and do not be concerned with something that was guaranteed for you. Sustenance and the moment of death are two matters whereof there is no doubt. As long as one is living , sustenance is guaranteed. And if Allaah, according to His wisdom, closes the way to some means, He will according to His mercy, open another means for you, which will be more useful. Let us consider the state of the Embryo. It receives its nourishment, which is blood from the naval and when it comes out of its mothers womb and this only means is closed, another two means are opened to it, which is better and sweeter than the first! The second means is pure and nourishing milk. When he finished his suckling period and these two means are closed because of weaning, Allaah opens four more perfect means; two kinds of foods and two kinds of drinks. The two kinds of foods are from animals and plants and the two kinds of drinks are from water and milk, aswell as whatever he likes from among other pleasures. When he passes away his four means are closed, but Allaah, the Exalted will open to him, if he was pious, eight doors of Paradise in order to enter Paradise from anyone of them according to his wish.
So we notice that whenever Allaah, the Exalted, prevents His believing servant from something during this worldly life, He will bestow upon Him something that is better and more useful to him. It should be noted that this is only granted to the believers. Allaah preserves His servant from low and mean fortunes and is not pleased when such fortunes come to him, as He gives him a better and more valuable one. The servant does not always recognize the generosity of Allaah, His wisdom, and kindness, nor does he always know the significant difference between what he was granted and what he was protected from. He is fond of matters being decided immediately even if they are mean, and refuses the later ones even if they are better.
If the servant could just treat Allaah justly, he would have known that the pleasures of this world that Allaah has protected him from are better for him than those things which Allaah may have granted him from these pleasures. Allaah prevented him from some of them in order to bestow upon him something that is better. He, the Almighty may have allowed him to be afflicted in order to protect him, tested him in order to absolve him of sin, put him to death to resurrect him, and took him out of this world so as to stand in front of Him.”
Al-Fawaa’id | English Translation | Pg. 88-89
As salam
im one of ur silent readers. being following ur updates since and enjoying myself to fullest reading your every post. indeed, they are all beneficial, and eye-opening. keep up your good work.
thanks for everything; knowledge and advice, superfluous to say.
Ukhwah Fillah Abadan Abada :)
walaikum salam akhee!
Nice to know that.
Mention not!
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