
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wear this Invisible Coat.

Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The morning and evening adhkar play the role of a shield; the thicker it is the more its owner will not be affected. Rather, its strength can reach to such an extent that the arrow shot at it will bounce back to affect the one who shot it."

Shaykh Uthaymeen said, "The morning and evening adhkar are a stronger fortress than the wall of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj, for the one who says it while his heart is present.
And Ibn Salah said, "Whoever maintains the morning and evening adhkar, the adhkar after the prayers, and the adhkar before sleeping will be written among those "who remember Allah much.""
Ibn Katheer said, "Wear the 'coat' of adhkar so it can protect you from the evils of humans and jinn. And cover your souls with istighfar so it can erase the sins of the night and day.

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