
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Dedicated to my Friend.


As-salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Dear Akhee!

Writing to you on this auspicious occasion of your life, in the name of the Most Blessed, who created it and instilled in your heart's --- LOVE, a secret sign indeed. 

Akhee, Im really fortunate and feel blessed to have you as a friend in my little life, you have been very helpful to me during our college life and even now you are the same.

You know, you came alone (crying) in this world, lived silently and happily with smiles till today, but from tomorrow (Inshallah) you're going to live a bigger life with loads of duties and responsibilities.

 You will be the King of your World ,  the sun in her sky and the moon of her dreams.

 Akhee, what advice should i knot in your garment,  when you yourself know much better than what I know  but nevertheless,  I will just remind you of  this “…And live with them in kindness…” (Quran 4:19)

A handful of wishes:

May your Marriage be bright, from the moment it starts,
With each wonderful thing, that brings joy to your home and hearts,
And may each tomorrow, bring even more happiness,blessings and smiles,
Have a blessed life with goodness, Peace and Prosperity !!!

Yours  Affectionately,
H A M I D  


  1. May Allah answer your duas for your friend and yourself too. It indeed is the best dua you can ask Allah on this occasion.

  2. Shukran sis samsad.

    @ anonymous~Ameen, same for you and all singles out there.
