
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Strange Generosity.

It has been related about a house from the early generations of Islam that had in it only a single bunch of grapes.The owner of the grapes gave them to his sister, who in turn gave them to her sister, who in turn gave them to another sister, who in turn gave them to her mother, and her mother kept them safe for her husband, who gave them to his son, who was the original owner of the grapes.Such was the generosity of that house-the grapes were passed om from one to another until they finally returned to the first!

It has also been related that a group of hungry people from the early generations of Islam had with them a small amount of barbecued meat, and nine of them shared that food among themselves, while each of them said, "Give it to such and such person, for he is more deserving!" Thus would it be passed around until finally it returned to the first.

Source: Gems and Jewels,pg 116

Quote: Wealth needs the poor to whom it can be given-just as a beautiful woman needs a clear mirror in which to see her beauty.A mirror reflects the beauty of a face,poverty brings forth generosity from where it is hidden-Sheik Sadi(r)

Note :They live to give.Those who give are given.The Creator serves those who serves his creation.Rise above me,mine and myself.In lifting others you will be lifted. InshAllah.


  1. read something like this before... and it is beautiful..

  2. thats good of you then mashAllah!
